Nikon D3500
Samyang 135 mm f/2, Manfrotto tripod
630 light frames @ 2 sec at f/2, adjusting the camera every 100 frames or so, that M31 stays in frame
60 flat, 60 bias, 60 dark
Stacked in SiriL with this guide, only set star threshold to 2.0 instead of 1.0
Crop to remove non-overlapping regions due to lack of tracker
Green noise removal
Color calibration to set black and white point
Auto histogram stretch
5x contrast-limited adaptive histogram eq. tile size 8, clip limit = 1
Background removal in PS by healing brush M31, dust and scratches at 200px, apply image blending = difference
2x radial gradient in LR: 1 for M31, 1 inverse for stars. Boost saturation of M31, remove stars by editing exposure of the inverse radial gradient.

Single 2 sec frame below

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